eFa available

The update is now available, as this is an security update please update as soon as possible.

The following issues have been fixed in

  • Issue #201 Bug – Deprecated release-msg.cgi
  • Issue #236 Enhancement – Disable spam not delivered messages by default
  • Issue #253 Bug – EFA-Backup ssl folder
  • Issue #260 Bug – Header in Apache Settings wrong
  • Issue #261 Bug – learn-msg.cgi wrong path for sa-learn
  • Issue #262 Bug – MS_LOGO and MW_LOGO Definitions Needed
  • Issue #268 Enhancement – EFA-Init link test without DHCP dependency
  • Issue #269 Bug – SQL error during rename of host name in EFA-Configure
  • PR #270 Bug – Typo in RELEASENOTES
  • Issue #272 Security – MailWatch Vulnerability

Please review the RELEASENOTES prior to updating for important information:

It is recommended that you suspend your mail flow and snapshot prior
to updating or to back up the entire appliance.

1) Stop mail flow temporarily (at firewalls/mailservers)
2) Snapshot your VM and its memory using your hypervisor tools
3) If the update fails for any reason, immediately roll back to snapshot
4) Report failure at https://forum.efa-project.org

The first time you run this update, the kernel may update. If this
happens, the script will halt to give you an opportunity to restart.
After restarting and booting to the new kernel, rerun EFA-Update to
continue the update process to

EFA-Update will not proceed until you are running on the latest
kernel. This is to ensure that open-vm-tools updates appropriately
if present.

You can download the latest VM image version from the downloads page.

eFa available2017-02-06T08:23:35+00:00

eFa update available

The following issues have been addressed in eFa :

  • Correct length check for ID in learn-msg.cgi
  • Add option to configure cleaned message delivery
  • Fix sql_select option missing and auxpropfunc errors
  • Enable quarantine cleanup
  • Add https/ssl/tls configuration options for Apache

We encourage everyone to update.
If you have auto update enabled your system will automatically update to this new release.
If you have auto update disabled you will need to run the update command manually:

1) login to your box with ssh
2) press ‘1’ to get an shell
3) type: sudo /usr/local/sbin/EFA-Update -update

You can download the latest VM image version from the download page.

eFa update available2017-02-06T08:23:55+00:00

eFa released

We are very proud to announce the first release of eFa 3!

eFa is an new build based on CentOS and MailWatch, this is an new release, replacing all previous eFa versions and ESVA.

This is a completely NEW setup based on the previous ESVA, but not an upgrade to ESVA.
Because ESVA development halted at version we started a new ‘numbering scheme’ at version 3.x.x.x. so the first ever release is called eFa
The name ESVA will not be used anymore because of possible legal issues.

This means that eFa 3.x is NOT an upgrade for the previous 0.3 eFa version and also that it is NOT an upgrade for your existing ESVA system.

So what does eFa 3.x contain:

  • In short all components that made ESVA but updated to current versions
  • Centos 6.5
  • MailScanner
  • ClamAV
  • DCC
  • MailWatch
  • Webmin
  • SQL Grey
  • Pyzor
  • Razor
  • MySQL
  • much more…

You can download the latest version from the downloads page.

eFa released2017-02-06T08:24:13+00:00

eFa on Github

All code for eFa is now placed on GitHub, if you want to track the work done on eFa just take a look at the eFa GitHub repository. Code improvement comments are appreciated.

eFa on Github2017-02-05T17:03:29+00:00

First beta release

Finally the first beta release of eFa is here!
The beta can be downloaded from the Download page.

For now only the VMware ESX image is available (OVF Template), the eFa build script will be available soon.
In case you spot any bugs please report them on the eFa forums

First beta release2017-02-06T08:24:33+00:00
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